September 10, 2019

Casten Calls for Secretary Wilbur Ross’ Resignation After Threatening to Fire NOAA Officials

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Sean Casten (IL-06) released the following statement demanding Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross' resignation after the New York Times reported that Secretary Ross threatened to fire National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) officials when they contradicted President Trump's claim that Hurricane Dorian could impact Alabama.

Casten said, "Secretary Ross should step down immediately. People across this country depend on accurate, factual weather reporting, especially in times of natural disasters like hurricanes. The only factor in issuing weather predictions should be science, not the political whims of a President and his Administration. People gather their loved ones and flee their homes in fear when they hear about these storms, and it is extremely concerning that Secretary Ross would threaten to fire scientists for simply stating the facts. Knowingly issuing false weather forecasts is a crime punishable by law and it is outrageous that Secretary Ross would pressure his own staff to break that law. As we see more and more severe weather as a result of the climate crisis, we cannot afford to have Wilbur Ross degrading public trust, bullying scientists, and frightening citizens to help save the President from his own lies."
