May 02, 2019

Casten Delivers Floor Speech on H.R. 9, Climate Action Now Act

Washington, D.C. – Following House passage of H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act, U.S. Representative Sean Casten (IL-06) delivered a Floor speech highlighting the economic benefits of the Paris Climate Agreement and the necessity to reduce CO2. H.R.9 ensures the U.S. honors our commitments detailed in the Paris Agreement and lays the groundwork for further climate action. Casten, a member of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, helped introduce the bill earlier this year at a press conference led by Chairwoman Kathy Castor (FL-14).

To watch Rep. Casten's Floor speech, click the image above or click here.

Casten said, "Climate change is the greatest existential threat to our species. It is also an unequivocal economic opportunity. Replacing the need to extract and burn fossil fuels with renewable and clean energy, saves money.

This White House is failing to seize this domestic opportunity, while simultaneously walking away from our international partners and competitors who are committed to this challenge.

Of all the misguided decisions of this Administration, few have been as reckless as announcing our withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.

It is economically foolish. It is economically naïve and it cedes leadership to China and others on the defining challenge of our time. That is foolhardy.

H.R. 9 is a reclamation of that mantle. It is a demonstration that the Americans are determined to lead, even if the White House is refusing to do so.

I am proud to be a part of this effort. Not because it's enough. But it was the kind of leadership into the breach that has long defined American greatness. It is the least our generation can do for those that follow."

Background on H.R. 9

  • Since the beginning of the 116th Congress, House Democrats have held more than 30 hearings that touch on the climate crisis across eight full committees and 14 subcommittees.
  • The bill would prohibit any federal funds from being used to take any action to advance the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Agreement.
  • The Climate Action Now Act would also call on the President to develop and make public a plan for how the United States will meet the pollution reduction goals submitted to the world in 2015.