July 20, 2022

Casten Secures Funding for Top Priorities, Including Industrial Decarbonization and Grid Deployment, in FY 2023 Appropriations Package

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06) voted to pass H.R. 8294, a package of six government funding bills which include investments in multiple key priorities that Rep. Casten championed, such as industrial decarbonization and grid deployment.

“I am thrilled to have secured critical investments that lower emissions, increase access to cleaner, cheaper electricity, and help us better understand our current EV electric grid capacity,” said Rep. Sean Casten. “In the midst of a code-red climate emergency, we need to use every available tool to combat this crisis. Not only will this funding result in the further deployment of clean energy technologies, but it will create the first ever transmission focused office at the Department of Energy ensuring clean energy will reach consumers quickly and cheaply .”

The clean energy investments secured by Rep. Casten include:

  • $815 million for industrial decarbonization and crosscutting initiatives
  • $90 million for the establishment of the Grid Deployment Office
  • Doubled the loan authority for the Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program, unlocking more resources for investments in groundbreaking technologies.
  • Inclusion of language that would require the Department of Energy to prepare the grid for the influx of electric vehicle charging stations. 

The funding for industrial decarbonization is a result of passage of Rep. Casten’s Clean Industrial Technology Act, which saw over $1 billion in committed funding between Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations and passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This further historic investment ensures that demonstration activities are emphasized in order to address the third largest category of US emissions.  

As Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition’s Power Sector Task for, Rep. Casten also led the charge to establish the Grid Deployment Office. This new office would support the various grid provisions included in IIJA while serving as the catalyst for the development of new and upgraded high-capacity electric transmission lines nationwide. A build-out of transmission infrastructure will be necessary to achieve the President’s goals of 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net zero emissions economy-wide by 2050.   

The six government funding bills passed as part of H.R. 8294 are also focused on helping families and communities across America. The transformative investments in the bill will combat the climate crisis, lower the cost of living, create good-paying American jobs, and support small businesses.

“In addition to my clean energy investments, I’m proud to have secured funding that will lower costs for families, create jobs, repair our infrastructure, and increase access to clean water,” Rep. Casten continued.

Below are priorities that Rep. Casten worked to secure funding for:

Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development

  • Invests in airports, highways, transit, passenger rail, and port systems by providing $105.4 billion in budgetary resources for the Department of Transportation
  • Protects housing assistance for more than 4.8 million individuals and families
  • Includes over $12.8 billion for new affordable housing, critical health, safety, and maintenance improvements for public and low-income housing, and community development activities


Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration

  • Ensures 43.5 million people in SNAP-eligible families receive the benefits they need
  • Includes $1.5 billion for rural water and waste program loans and nearly $680 million in grants for clean and reliable drinking water systems and sanitary waste disposal systems
  • Provides $298.5 million across the Department of Agriculture to address the impacts of climate change with investments in sustainable agriculture, research, and clean energy
  • Includes language directing USDA to continue an important soil health conservation support program for farmers who plant cover crops. 


Energy and Water Development

  • Includes more than $16 billion of transformative investments in clean energy and science, which will help develop and deploy clean, affordable, and secure American energy and create tens of thousands of green jobs in communities across the country:

o    $4 billion for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, including $370 million for the weatherization of over 40,000 low-income households

  • Revives our water infrastructures and protects communities from more frequent and severe storms with $8.89 billion for teh U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to support project construction, operation, and maintenance
  • Helps lower energy costs impacting working families by strengthening America’s energy independence


Financial Services and General Government

  • Transforms the Federal vehicle fleet to electric and zero emissions vehicles with $100 million for the Electric Vehicle Fund


Interior and Environment

  • Invests in renewable energy development, including offshore wind, with $51.68 million for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Renewable Energy Program
  • Cleans up Pollution while rebuilding our infrastructure with $5.18 billion for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure through the Environmental Protection Agency grant programs
  • Follows the science and develops common-sense standards to curb pollution with $11.5 billion for the EPA, including $4.67 billion for core science and environmental program work
  • Renews our focus on land and water conservation with $900 million for land acquisition and support for state recreation programs through Land and Water Conservation Fund and $679.9 million for Geographic Programs to restore nationally significant bodies of water.
  • Protects our forests and wildlands with $6.43 billion for Wildland Fire Management and $3.95 billion for the Forest Service other than wildland fire funding
  • Increases Forest Service grant programs for local and state governments to ensure a resilient tree canopy.


Military Construction and Veterans Affairs

  • Strengthens military installations’ resilience to climate change with $135 million for Climate Change and Resiliency Projects to adapt to rising sea levels and worsening natural disasters
  • Provides $653.3 million for the Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program to fund projects that improve energy resilience, contribute to mission assurance, save energy, and reduce the Department of Defense’s energy costs.
  • $13.9 billion for Mental Healthcare to provide treatment and support for the 2 million veterans receiving mental health services, including $498 million for suicide prevention outreach.

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