July 23, 2024

Casten Statement on Netanyahu Address to Congress

Washington, D.C.  — U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06) has released the following statement regarding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress:

“This February, I traveled to Israel and the West Bank and saw first-hand the remnants of the violence of the October 7th terrorist attacks. I spoke directly with families of those taken hostage and toured a Kibbutz that was attacked, as well as the site of the Nova massacre. I heard from Israelis who were deeply offended that Prime Minister Netanyahu would meet with US officials but refused to engage with those who were the most direct victims of the October 7th atrocities. Prime Minister Netanyahu has prioritized his own power and the interests of his far-right coalition over the interests of the Israeli people and has shown no commitment to creating the kind of dignity and long-term peace for the Palestinian people that is essential for long-term regional security. 

“For these reasons, I will not be attending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress and will instead participate in a conversation with Israelis who still have loved ones being held hostage by Hamas.”

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