August 24, 2021

House passes budget resolution advancing reconciliation package: Casten says now is the time for those who claim to be serious about climate change to show they mean it

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL-06) voted to pass the budget resolution S.Con.Res.14 to advance the enactment of President Biden's and Congressional Democrats' Build Back Better Plan through the reconciliation process.

This reconciliation bill will set the stage for transformative, life-changing benefits for families in Illinois and across the nation: creating jobs, cutting taxes for families and small businesses, and lowering health care costs through initiatives with broad, bipartisan public support--including child care, home health care, paid family and medical leave, free universal pre-K, the Child Tax Credit, expanding Medicare benefits, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, and, most urgently, tackling the climate crisis.

Casten said, "Today's vote represents another step towards critical climate legislation. Now, the hard work begins as we put pen to paper drafting the bold, transformative policies the science demands in the fight against the climate crisis and determine if the Democratic party is up to the challenge. With historic droughts and deadly wildfires across the West, Hurricanes and overwhelmed power grids across the South, and flash floods from the Northeast to Midwest, this is the time for all of us who claim we're serious about climate change to show that we mean it."

Click here to view an overview of the 2022 Budget Resolution and Reconciliation. Click here or on the video thumbnail to watch Rep. Casten's remarks from yesterday's climate action press conference.


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