July 12, 2023

Sustainable Investment Caucus Hosts Press Conference Following Anti-ESG Financial Services Hearing

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Congressional Sustainable Investment Caucus, chaired by Reps. Sean Casten (D-IL) and Juan Vargas (D-CA), hosted a press conference following the House Financial Services Committee hearing entitled “Protecting Investor Interests: Examining Environmental and Social Policy in Financial Regulation”.

During the press conference, members of the Congressional Sustainable Investment Caucus and House Financial Services Committee underscored the importance of preserving the free-market principles of consumer choice and investor freedom. 

“It has become deeply and tragically partisan to support competitive markets in this country. If you take nothing else away from today’s hearing, that is the key point to know,” said Rep. Sean Casten.

“Republicans, funded by shady special interests, are launching coordinated attacks to limit Americans’ investment options, shrink their pensions, threaten their retirement security, and even damage the environment around them by declaring war on ESG,” said Rep. Juan Vargas. “The public wants to know more about the companies they choose to invest in so they can make the best choice – ESG disclosures deliver this information to the public. I urge Republicans to allow people the ability to properly vet environmentally or socially harmful stocks so they can make the best decision for their families and communities.” 

The press conference was held following the first of six House Financial Services hearings expected to focus on the GOP’s anti-capitalism attacks on ESG.

Press conference attendees included:

  • Financial Services Committee Ranking Member Maxine Waters (D-CA)
  • Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL)
  • Rep. Juan Vargas (D-CA)
  • Rep. Seth Magaziner (D-RI)
  • Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA)
  • Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
  • Brandon Rees, Deputy Director of the Office of Investment for the AFL-CIO
  • Bryan McGannon, Managing Director of US SIF
  • Ben Jealous, Executive Director of Sierra Club

A video of the press conference can be found here

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