March 02, 2022

Casten Reacts to Biden’s State of the Union: Democracy, Climate Action, Economic Resurgence, Will Prevail

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06) released the following statement after attending President Biden's State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress:

"Tonight, President Biden provided an excellent reminder of how promising it can feel to have a pro-science, pro-climate, pro-democracy president in the White House," said Rep. Sean Casten.

"With a mandate from the American people to tackle this existential threat before it's too late and a science-affirming President and majorities in the House and Senate, we have a window for action and a moral responsibility not to let it pass us by.

"Not only is the science crystal clear about what it will take to prevent even worse climate catastrophe, so are the economics. Anyone concerned that the fully paid-for climate provisions passed by the House are too costly need only consider NOAA's finding that climate-fueled extreme weather cost the US $750 billion over the past 5 years and $145 billion in 2021 alone. $1 million spent on clean energy in the US generates more than twice as many jobs as $1 million spent on fossil fuels, which are responsible for a global economic loss of $8 billion every day. The House passed climate provisions will even help American families save an average of $500 per year on their energy bills and reduce the sticker price of clean vehicles by over $12k.

"President Biden understands that combating the climate crisis isn't only the right thing to do, it's the economically smart thing to do--cutting energy costs for families, ensuring American energy independence, and creating good paying union jobs. Together, we will ensure that Democracy, Economic Resurgence, Climate Action Will Prevail"

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